Top Responsive Blogger Templates 2014 You Can Download for Free
Here are a number of excellent new templates that you can download for free in 2014 if you're just starting on a blog or moving your existing site to a responsive design:
Portfolio Blog
NotePlus Template is a beautiful, free and fast loading blogger template build using Bootstrap. It features a 2 column layout with the sidebar on the right.

Portfolio Blog
Portfolio Blog: As the name suggests, this is a portfolio style template with an elegant and clean design powered by the Isotope jQuery plugin. It features a full width layout with no sidebars and supports 4 widget sections in the footer.

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Blog Safari
A clean magazine style theme with a fluid width/responsive layout designed to adjust well on all screen sizes. It comes with pre-installed Blogger Comments and Google+ Comments system which you can use alternately. An author bio box is displayed at the end of every post - A feature preferred for multi-authored blogs.

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Gadget Mag
Gadget Mag is magazine style blogger template with a Responsive design that adjusts well on all common screen sizes. It features a 3 column layout with powered with jQuery and CSS3. It comes with plenty of pre-installed widgets including thumbnail based featured and popular posts.

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Perk Misty
Perk Misty is another excellent responsive blogger theme ideal for News/Magazine sites, portfolio and even your personal blog. It features a 3 column layout and comes with a pre-installed, customizable recent post widget. Apart from that, the template is totally Adsense ready.

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Docorus is pretty-much adapted from the Hueman theme available for wordpress. It features a 3 column, full width, responsive magazine-style design. Docurus pre-includes related, popular post widgets, author bio box and and image slider on the homepage. No matter which niche you're covering, this is a great template you can have.

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Foodie, as the name suggests is intended for use on blogs covering food recipies, cooking tips ets. This is yet another theme with a magazine style design. Like all other templates here, it adjusts to all major screen sizes (desktop, pads and mobile phones) and is SEO friendly.

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Enpine is a large width template with no sidebar on the home page, the post pages feature a right sidebar with a pre-installed popular post plugin. The template comes with a sticky header for easy navigation. An author box linked to your Google+ account is displayed at the end of every post pages.

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Plazify is a fully responsive, quick loading magazine-style theme with two sidebars on the right and includes a slider on the homepage. It is available as both, free and paid. However, the free version does not allow for any customization.

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Sleekify, another cool magazine theme with a sleek look. It features a two column layout with a right sidebar. A $19.99 paid version of theme allows for customization, footer credit removal and support.

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Blackpress by Templateify is a 100% responsive portfolio-style template for your blogspot blogs. It is retina ready and offers is a super clean look with a two column (Right-sidebar) layout. The template is free for use, however if you need to customize it, there is a $19.99 licensed version just for that.

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If you are looking for a clean, minimalistic blogger template with a responsive layout, Portify is one amazing template you can consider. It features a left sidebar and a widget area on the top. Like all other tempelateify themes covered here, a $19.99 version of this theme allows for customization.

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Wedding Magazine
Wedding Magazine by 'Templateism' features a very clean magazine style design with large image banner on the homepage. Its a 2 column theme with 4 a column footer. The theme is 100% responsive and adjusts well on all screen sizes. Pre-includes related and popular post widgets.

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If you intend to run a gag, meme or any image site on blogspot, Gagism by Tempelateism is the best theme you'll find. It features related items below every post, rating system, social buttons and lots of other goodies. Plus there is a Re-blog Button that allows your visitors to share your gags on their blogs while giving a backlink to your site. This will make your gag go viral across different blogs.

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Droid Pluss
Simple, elegant and 100% responsive. Droid Pluss is the perfect choice for a technology blog or news site. The theme includes a colored sidebar on the right, related post plugin, social sharing buttons and more.

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Belastic is another nicely designed template for desktop and all mobile devices. It offers unlimited color schemes, thumbnail based post summaries, drop down navigation menu, social sharing widget and more.

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Arvo is a two column theme with a grey background. Its a fast loading, SEO optimized blogger theme with couple of handy pre-installed widgets and offers easy customization.

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Display Code On Your Blog With Highlight.js & Prettify (Syntax Highlighters)

Using Prettify
The Prettify script is hosted on Google, so you don't even need to host it on your end. Simply add the following code before the closing </head> tag in your template:
<script src="">Marking code sections:
Now whenever you display code on your page, simply enclose it in <pre>...</pre>, <code>...</code> or <xmp>...</xmp> tags with a class of "prettyprint". Here's an example:
<code class="prettyprint"> ...YOUR_CODE_HERE... </code>Selecting Styles:
If you don't like the default skin, there are 4 other styles you can choose from (Available here):
<script codearea2="" src="></script>To select a different skin, change SKIN_NAME in the code above with the actual skin name. Available skins include: doxy, sons-of-obsidian, sunburst and desert.
Using Highlight.js
Just like Prettify, highlight.js is another great syntax highlighter for the web that you can use to make your code look beautiful. Plus, it offers a lot of styles to choose from. To use highlight.js, add the following code before the closing </head> tag in your template.
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"></link> <script src=""></script> <script>hljs.initHighlightingOnLoadundefined);</script>Marking code sections:
Using the code above will highlight all code you display within
tags in your post <pre><code>
Selecting Styles:
You can select from 44 different styles. For available style names look into the highlight.js styles directory (don't forget to add ".min" before ".css").
Once you have selected a style, here's how you can apply it to the code:
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link>
That's it! Your code should now look neat and standout from the text.
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