33 Best Free Blogger Templates With Image Slider

21 Best Free Clean White Blogger Templates To Download
1. The Writer:
The Writer Template is an elegant white blogger template with a simple, one column layout. It is fully responsive and adjusts perfectly on all screen sizes. If you're a writer, journalist or a even a blogger with a liking for plain and simple design, this template is for you.

2. Wondrous:
'Wondrous' is a beautifully designed responsive blogger template with a simple one column layout.

3. BorneoBooks:
BorneoBooks template developed by Borneo Templates, is a plain white blogger template with no sidebar.

4. MBL Avada:
Avada is the hottest selling wordpress template on Themeforest. MBL Avada is a clean wordpress converted blogger template that mimics the look of the original avada template. Features a two column layout with a right sidebar.

5. The Journalist:
'The Journalist' is a simple blogger template built on the bootstrap framework. It features a fully responsive two column layout that adjusts perfectly to all screen sizes. It comes pre-installed with a related posts and social sharing widget. It is ideal for journalists, writers and bloggers.

6. Super Clean:
Super clean is an ideal blogger theme for business sites. It features a slider on home page.

7. Galauness:
Another great template for those eager for a clean, elegant, and minimalist look. It features a magazine style template and comes with a two column layout with a left sidebar on posts.

8. Lock Heart:
Lock Heart is a neat, two column template. It features minimalist layout with a left sidebar.

A clean and full width blogger with magazine style layout for home page. It features a right sidebar and integrated recommended post widget below pages.

10. Google Plus:
As the name suggest, this template imitated the Google Plus layout as it was released initially. The template has a three column layout with the post area in the center and sidebars on both sides and available across the site.

11. Prosume:
Promuse is a responsive, clean white template by 'New Blogger Themes'. It features a two column design with the sidebar on the left.

12. Alluring:
Alluring is another 2 column theme with a neat look.

13. Personal:
Personal is a plain white and black template with a minimalist design. It does not include any sidebar.

14. Bright:
Bright is one of the neatest template you'll come across for blogger. It is somewhat similar to the twenty twelve WordPress template.

15. Rubal Saggu:
Rubal Saggu is a unique template designed by 'creativebloggingideas'. It features a multicolored right sidebar accessible accross the site.

16. Classic:
Another simple blogger theme with the sidebar on the left. This template is designed by 'Dzignine'.

17. Esquire:
A timeline style elegant and bold theme converted from WordPress to blogger.

18. Simple Clean White:
Appropriately named, this theme features a neat and clean Adsense ready design with a right sidebar.

19. QUO Template:
Yet another clean 2 column black and white template.

20. Portfolio:
Lovely Portfolio is a neat magazine style template for blogger with a right sidebar. It is ideal for portfolios and photography blogs.

21. Queen:
Queen is a magazine style, single column theme with no sidebar. If you are running a photography or portfolio site, this one could be ideal for you.

22. Super SEO:
Super SEO by 'Lovely Templates' is yet another neat two column theme with integrated related post and social share widgets.

23. Yaminth:
Yaminth blogger theme comes with a featured post slider on homepage. It features a two column layout with right sidebar.

More Free Responsive Blogger Templates (The Best Ones)
Amongst the new responsive blogger templates that I found and tested, the following ten are some of the best ones you can choose from for your blog:
01. Zikazev Blue / Zikazev Simple Gray
Available in blue and gray, the Zikazev template features a right side bar with recent comment and popular post widgets. It also comes integrated with social sharing icons and a thumbnail based related post plugin.

Zikazev BlueDemoZikazev GreyDemo
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