The Journalist: A Simple Responsive Template for Blogger

"The Journalist" is a simple blogger template built on the bootstrap framework. It features a fully responsive two column layout that adjusts perfectly to all screen sizes.
This quick loading theme is free and comes pre-installed with a simple text-based related posts and social sharing widget. It is ideal for journalists, writers and bloggers alike.


Profile Box

To add details about yourself in the Profile box on the sidebar, find the following code in the template and replace the information in blue with relevant details about yourself.

<div class='profile-box'>

<!-- Insert Link of your Profile Pic -->
<img class='img-responsive pimg' src=''/>

<!-- Add Name Here -->
<h4>Wajahat Razzaq</h4>

<!-- A line About Yourself -->
<span>Writer, journalist and a budding academic. I write for the Huffington post.</span>


Social Links

Link the social icons in the sidebar to your social profiles by modifying the following code in your template. Simply change the code in blue with relevant links to your social accounts.

<div class="contact-box">

<a href="!" target="_top">
<i class="fa fa-envelope-o" rel="tooltip" title=""></i>

<a href="" target="_blank">
<i class="fa fa-twitter"></i>

<a href="" target="_blank">
<i class="fa fa-facebook"></i>

<a href="" target="_blank">
<i class="fa fa-google-plus"></i>

<a href="" target="_blank">
<i class="fa fa-youtube-play" rel="tooltip" title="YouTube"></i>


Thats it! Please let us know of any anomalies / layout problems that you may find in the template.


Reader's Comments

  1. can you help me to add facebook like button to the posts?

    1. Sure. Just go to template > Edit HTML and find the "Third" occurrence of this code: "data:post.body" in your template. Then copy the Facebook like button code from here:

      Finally, paste the Facebook like button code below (after) the code you found in your template.

  2. When i backspaced everything in my html to change it, i paste the theme but when i clicked save, it says
    Error parsing XML, line 1, column 8: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.

    please help me

    1. It's working fine. Rather than pasting the code, just upload the template instead. Just go to Template --> Backup / Restore --> Choose File and Upload.

  3. how do you add pinterest social button?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Visit this link for the code.

      In your template, just search for the following: class='contact-box'

      And from the link paste the code just below it.

  4. Simple, elegant, enough... and easily customizable.. Cool!

  5. Hello, very nice theme, would you have a version including a portfolio page ?

    1. Hello Cyprien! I developed this quite a while ago. What you see is what I have. Sorry!
