How To Find A Lost Email Address

If you once had an email address of a person and are unable to find it or still have one, but doubt that he/she might be using a different one now, here are a couple of places you can search to get the email address you desperately need.

Inbox/Sent Messages:
If you remember receiving an email from the person or you emailed them even once before, chances are that you still have their email address.
  • Use the search feature and include in the search options, all possible locations listed i.e. sent messages, inbox, and trash folder.
  • Try remembering what the latest conversation was about and search for possible words you may have used in the conversation.
IM Clients:
Popular IM Clients like MSN Messenger, Skype, Yahoo Messenger or Google Talk have been used by almost everyone to communicate with friends and relatives. Skype has become the most widely used client in business correspondence. If you have the person added to you IM Client, his profile may contain the email address you need.

Google It:
Simply typing the person’s name in Google search engine or even yahoo or Bing may do the job for you.
  • The search may return thousand of results. Try to narrow down the results by adding any other information you may know about the person (Company Name, Job Title, Closest Friends etc.)
  • Use search Operators and advance options for precise results or to search deep into files. i.e PDF, xls, doc files etc.
Google Groups:
People discuss all sorts of topics here; from politics to entertainment, sports to science and technology. There is a great chance that the person you might be looking for would have commented in a forum of interest or might even have his/her own forum here.
  • Enter the name of the person in the search bar to find the email id or any comment that he/she may have left in a forum.

Search White Pages and Email Address Directories:
Search social networks, public records and email address directories using dedicated search engines that provide comprehensive results from many sources. Some of the popular ones include 123people, emailfinder, addresses and pipl.

Leave some information online:
People often type their names in search engines to see the different places it appear on the web..
  • Create a webpage entitled “searching for” and enter any information you may have regarding the person. Also leave your email ID where you should be provided the information.
If a family member, a friend or the person himself that you are looking for, reads the information you entered; he/she will provide you with the email address.

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